ayurveda for heavy periods

Ayurveda for Heavy Periods

In Ayurveda, heavy periods are caused by excess pitta dosha. There are natural remedies in Ayurveda for heavy periods that can reduce excess bleeding. Unlike Western medicine, Ayurveda for heavy periods doesn’t just address weight and estrogen levels. Rather, Ayurveda allows a holistic approach to heavy periods. In this blog post, you’ll learn which foods, exercises, and lifestyle practices you can use to reduce heavy bleeding during menstruation.

What Qualifies as a Heavy Period?

In “normal” menstruation, a woman loses less than 80mL blood.  Menorrhagia, or abnormal menstrual bleeding, is when you lose more than 80mL of blood in each menstrual cycle. This abnormal bleeding may last longer than 7 days, soak a pad or tampon in less than an hour, or require multiple pads to manage flow.

Health Risks Associated with Heavy Periods

Heavy periods can lead to health issues such as fainting or anemia. Beyond these physical health issues, heavy periods can relate to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Heavy periods disrupt daily life and can require you to take time off work or cancel plans with family and friends.

Natural remedies from Ayurveda for heavy periods address both the mental and physical toll that heavy periods can take on your health.

The Cause of Heavy Periods According to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the cause of heavy bleeding is imbalanced pitta dosha. Pitta is the fire element and rules the blood as well as the uterus. When there’s excess pitta dosha in the body, menstrual bleeding can be heavy and prolonged. You might also notice symptoms like: 

  • Diarrhea during menstruation
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Acid reflux
  • Cravings and excess hunger

Many women who experience heavy bleeding may also have issues like PCOS or fibroids. In those people, there is also excess kapha dosha, ruled by the earth element, which results in excess tissue and heavy bleeding. Ayurveda for heavy periods will also address heaviness and stagnation in the body due to the role of kapha dosha. 

Endometriosis is another condition that can cause heavy periods. In women with endometriosis, excess vata, pitta, and kapha dosha can be present. Endometriosis can be managed and reversed with natural remedies from Ayurveda. However, because it is a more complex disease, it’s best addressed with the help of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Ayurvedic Foods for Heavy Periods

Food and diet recommendations from Ayurveda for heavy periods include foods to help calm and cool the body. I recommend that my clients decrease heating, inflammatory foods while introducing more cooling, hydrating foods into their diets.

The top foods to eliminate from your diet if you have heavy periods:

  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Nightshades like tomatoes, peppers (of all types), eggplant, and white potato
  • Caffeine (including from chocolate)
  • Refined sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Fried foods

Foods to reduce in your diet if you have heavy periods:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Fermented foods (including yogurt and sourdough bread)
  • Yeasted breads
  • Sesame oil and vegetable oils

Foods to increase in your diet if you have heavy periods:

  • Fresh herbs like parsley and cilantro
  • Water-rich vegetables like zucchini, cucumber, and celery
  • Leafy greens
  • Whole grains like rice and barley
  • Ghee
  • Hydrating fruits like peaches and nectarines
  • Fresh cheese and raw dairy (be sure to consume milk warm and spiced)

How you eat is another remedy in Ayurveda for heavy periods. Be sure to eat while seated and in a calm state. This helps to reduce the excess activity (rajas) and pitta dosha that leads to heavy bleeding.

Exercise Recommendations from Ayurveda for Heavy Periods

If you’re someone who experiences heavy periods, it’s important to practice moderate, not intense exercise. Intense exercise will increase pitta dosha and can lead to more excess bleeding.

Avoid exercising in the sun or at mid-day, when pitta dosha is highest. Instead, exercise in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler. 

The best physical activity will get you into nature and is moderate in nature (you can still hold a conversation while moving). Hiking, walking, swimming, dance, and Yoga asana can all be beneficial. 

If you’re exercising outdoors, be sure to keep your head covered (avoiding sun on the scalp). The best exercise for you will feel non-competitive in nature.

Addressing Emotional Causes of Heavy Periods

When exploring Ayurveda for heavy periods, we can’t ignore the role that emotions play in heavy bleeding. In Ayurveda clients with heavy periods, I’ve found there’s stress in their relationship to being a woman. Often, they feel that being a woman is not as good as being a man. They may feel the need to push themselves, to be tough, to do more, and to express more masculine qualities.

Remedies for this situation include working with a therapist, doing restorative Yoga practices, and taking other actions discussed in this blog post to reduce pitta dosha and create more sattva, or balance and harmony.

Breathing Practices and Meditations from Ayurveda for Heavy Periods

Heavy periods can take a heavy toll mentally and physically. In Ayurveda, pranayama (breathing) and mindfulness practices can help calm emotions and support the body in balancing.

Shithali Pranayama

This cooling breathing practice helps to reduce pitta dosha in the body and calm the mind.

Left Nostril Breathing

The left nostril is connected to an energetic channel (ida nadi) that is associated with calming, cooling, and relaxation. Left nostril breathing can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help reduce the stress associated with heavy bleeding.

Cool the Heat Meditation

This guided meditation helps to cool and calm the body. It’s particularly useful if you’re feeling hot, fiery emotions related to the bleeding or health challenges you’re experiencing.

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Ayurveda for Heavy Periods 4

Be Like Water Meditation

By connecting to the water element within us, we help to soften hard edges and tap into flow. This can help to relieve the physical and mental pain of excess bleeding.


How to control heavy bleeding in periods in Ayurveda?

An Ayurvedic approach to control heavy bleeding in periods is to balance pitta dosha. By reducing heating foods in the diet, introducing a calm, regular schedule, and adapting cooling breathing practices (pranayama), it’s possible to reduce heavy bleeding.

How can I reduce my heavy period naturally?

You can reduce your heavy period naturally by reducing foods and activities that have heating, sharp, hard qualities. For example, reducing refined sugar and nightshades, while increasing fresh herbs like parsley and whole grains can help naturally reduce heavy periods.

Which dosha causes heavy periods?

Excess pitta dosha is the main cause of heavy periods. For some, excess kapha dosha plays a role. However, reducing pitta dosha is the main treatment for reducing the flow of heavy periods.

What to eat when bleeding heavily?

If you have heavy menstrual bleeding, it’s best to eat simple, cooked foods that are not overly spiced. You want to reduce or eliminate nightshades, onion, garlic, and caffeine.


Ayurvedic remedies for heavy periods span diet, exercise, and emotional/mental techniques. By addressing heavy periods in a holistic way, you can eliminate the root cause and find true healing. Ayurvedic remedies are always personalized and unique. For support in your specific situation, reach out for a free strategy call. We’ll discuss what you’re experiencing and how Ayurveda can help you find lasting relief, without prescription medications. 

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